You are not alone.

We can navigate this together.

You do not need to navigate post-concussion life alone!

The mission of LAC (Life After Concussion) is to provide opportunity and space for anyone who has sustained a concussion to feel seen, heard, and supported. We encourage authenticity and value vulnerability, all within embracing a growth mindset.

How can we help you? Continue reading below.

Life After Concussion

After sustaining TBI from concussion in 2016, combined with a medication reaction,

I have progressed from a hospital bed to here! The journey has lead me to create space for encouraging, assisting, and joining others in the process too.

My background includes education, coaching, ministry, creativity, and more.

I enjoy helping people honor the past, acknowledge the present, and navigate into the future with hope!

Hey, I'm Ali Rheaume!

Image: Ali, a white female with long curly dirty blonde
hair, wearing a grey oversized sweater, holding a coffee
mug, appearing to laugh in her living room.

Post-Concussion Support Group

  • discuss topics
  • discover purpose
  • and more!

Date: 2nd Wednesday of the month

Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm ET

Meeting Information

  • relate with others
  • share challenges
  • celebrate wins
  • learn strategies

A welcoming space to:



Contact me:

Image: Ali wearing a pink tank top with her hair in a
braid, smiling in her living room.