Connecting the Community

with those Navigating Disability

Rise Up

Image: A diverse group of people standing ​or in wheelchairs, looking at each other, ​laughing, at a park.

This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a space for:

  • individuals 18+ navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

Image: Ali, a white female with long curly dirty ​blonde hair, wearing a blue and white stripped ​dress, standing next to a sunflower with an excited ​face.

Organizer: Ali Rheaume

After sustaining a brain injury and a medication reaction in 2016, I have progressed from a 10% functioning level to where I am now. I personally navigate disability daily among not only brain injury, but also Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Auditory Processing Disorder, Narcolepsy, Dysautonomia, Reactive Ketotic Hypoglycemia, and more.

My background includes education, public speaking, coaching, ministry, art, and more. I serve on the Brain Injury Council of MA and the Franklin Disability Commission.

Important Information

Date & Location:

Third Saturday of each month

Location: Franklin United Methodist Church

82 West Central Street, Franklin

Outline of the Hour:

  • meet each other
  • a word from Ali and any community partner of the day
  • group discussion
  • open social time


  • Please avoid fragrances for allergy considerations
  • Please be mindful to help keep this a low sensory environment
  • If someone under the age of 18 is interested in attending, please email me to see if it would be a good fit

Image: Ali wearing a white t-shirt and black knee-​length leggings, sitting in her wheelchair with arms ​extended, on a bike path with a lake behind her.

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